
Sparsh Gupta, Debanjan Konar, and Vaneet Aggarwal, "A Scalable Quantum Non-local Neural Network for Image Classification", 2024,
(accepted at the AAAI QC+AI Workshop 2025; under review at the ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing), arXiv Link

Sparsh Gupta, "The Arrival of DNA Data Storage", 2021, Medium Article Link

Research Projects

Quantum Machine Learning, September 2023 - Present
Working in the maChine Learning and quANtum computing research lab (CLAN) on developing novel quantum algorithms. Supervised by Prof. Vaneet Aggarwal.

Brain fMRI Task-decoding, May 2023 - Present
Worked on graph signal processing and brain fMRI fingerprinting utilizing MATLAB, Python & ML. Implemented feature selection techniques to identify regions of the brain important in task-decoding and classification. Supervised by Prof. David Shuman.

DNA Methylation Age Predictor, August 2021 - January 2022
Developed an LSTM-based DNA Methylation Age Predictor with mean errors of 6 years (train) and 11 years (test), using p-value significance testing and Pearson correlation for validation and feature selection.
(with Prof. Vaneet Aggarwal at Purdue University)

DNA Classifier, May 2021 - January 2022
Developed an LSTM model for determining the population group of a person from the genome sequence with efficient .fastq genome data parsing and compression algorithms.
(with Prof. Vaneet Aggarwal at Purdue University)